Tom Mcleod

Cut To: Music

Short Film Competition
Winning Film: "Eden" / Runner Up: "Beautiful as we are"
© Oran Franco 2008 / Dell McLeod 2008
Director: Oran Franco / Dell McLeod
Tom was commissioned by the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra to compose a 6 minute score for the innovative new short film competition CUT TO: MUSIC in which filmmakers were then required to create a film to fit the music.

The winning film Eden (below) was screened onstage during a concert at Auckland’s Aotea Centre in July 2008, and the orchestra performed the score live to picture - led by visiting Australian conductor Brett Kelly.

The score was performed again by the APO in 2009 and was selected for the SOUNZ Readings - recorded by the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra in September 2010 for broadcast on Radio NZ.

These clips contain the midi-sample based demo recording.

Music composed by Tom McLeod